Digital Content


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Social Media


Build Your Social Media Strategy

Whether you’re starting a new account, gearing up for your next campaign or just want to better connect with your audiences, we’re happy to provide best practices, tips, design profile images and graphics, and help you share your story.

Learn More About Social Media Strategy


Share Your Content Ideas

Have an idea for a social media post for the primary GW accounts? We welcome suggestions for content about students, alumni, faculty, or our GW community. Content could include upcoming events, research highlights, student spotlights, etc.

Submit a Social Media Pitch




Social Media Policy

Users operating accounts bearing GW’s name must familiarize themselves with GW’s social media policy. Please submit the name and contact information of those responsible for your social media accounts to [email protected].


Mass Email

Our mass email platform, Emma, can be used by faculty and staff to communicate to all or parts of the university community.

InfoMail, a kind of mass mailing sent through Emma, is the primary way GW communicates to schools and departments, reaching students, staff and faculty about initiatives, program updates and more, pursuant to Vice Presidential approval.


InfoMail Best Practices & Process

When you need to reach a large population of the university community, GW InfoMails may be your solution. Our team can assist with creating and distributing InfoMail, but it's important that you understand our policies, best practices and the process before submitting your request.

Learn More About InfoMail


Request an InfoMail

Our team can help determine whether an InfoMail is the right tool for your messaging and can also assist in the distribution process to get the word out to your audiences. Please note: All InfoMail requests must be submitted at least one week prior to the requested send date.

Submit an InfoMail Request




Emma is the central mass email tool used at GW. It offers a modern interface with a range of features. Emma can also provide in-depth email analytics to help us assess the effectiveness of your emails and provide feedback for future communications.

Request an Emma Account